Under Linux, all filtering criteria and the use of Internet Control Message Protocol ( ICMP) are available as command lines using iptables ( see Resources). 在Linux操作系统中,所有的过滤条件和Internet控制消息协议(ICMP)的使用都可以利用iptables在命令行中找到(参见参考文献)。
For example, you might need Internet Control Message Protocol ( ICMP) functionality if you are implementing ping in the Java language, but the base class libraries don't provide it. 举例来说,在Java语言中实现ping时,您可能需要InternetControlMessageProtocol(ICMP)功能,但基本类库并未提供它。
Basically, ping sends Internet Control Message Protocol ( ICMP) packets from your server to the destination server, and then receives a response from the destination server. 基本上,ping从您的服务器向目标服务器发送Internet控制消息协议(InternetControlMessageProtocol,ICMP)数据包,然后接收来自目标服务器的响应。
This example uses a predefined "ping" Nagios plug-in, which sends Internet Control Message Protocol ( ICMP) echo requests to determine if a host is responsive or not. 这个示例使用了一个预定义的“ping”Nagios插件,它将发送Internet控制信息协议(InternetControlMessageProtocol,ICMP)回显请求以确定主机是否有响应。
This command sends an Internet Control Message Protocol ( ICMP) echo request packet to the host and waits for an echo reply. 这个命令向主机发送一个InternetControlMessageProtocol(ICMP)回显请求数据包,然后等待回显回复。
You can also control, with some granularity, how the firewall handles Internet Control Message Protocol ( ICMP) packets. 您也能较精确地控制防火墙如何处理Internet控制消息协议(ICMP)包。
Packet Internet Groper A program used to test whether a particular network destination is online, by sending an Internet control message protocol echo request and waiting for a response. 包因特网查询工具用于通过发送一个Internet控制消息协议回送请求并等待应答来测试一个特定网络目的地是否联机的一种程序。
Internet Control Message Protocol ( ICMP), as a control protocol of TCP/ IP stacks, has been found some leaks in its protocol standard. 因特网控制消息协议(ICMP),作为TCP/IP协议簇中的一个控制协议,其协议规范本身存在一些漏洞。
This paper presents serious attacks against Internet Control Message Protocol ( ICMP). 描述了针对因特网控制消息协议()的严重攻击事件。
According to the theory of Internet Control Message Protocol and using Visual C#. 本论文利用ICMP原理,使用Visualc。
Making use of Internet Control Message Protocol ( ICMP) message for the diagnosis carries out low efficiency. 程序采用网际控制报文协议(ICMP)方式对网络进行诊断执行效率低。
Through SNMP and ICMP ( Internet Control Message Protocol), the configuration data collection can discover all the valid routers and network nodes on the internet rapidly and accurately. 其中配置数据采集通过SNMP和ICMP(InternetControlMessageProtocol:Internet控制报文协议)相结合的拓扑发现算法,准确、快速的发现网络中所有有效的路由和网络节点。